Friday, July 10, 2009

What was I thinking?

So, our first week at church as I tried communicating with people I mentioned I played the piano. I for some reason thought that it might be a good idea. In my momentary brain lapse I thought "I really should do something that would really be a stretch for me and help me grow." WHAT WAS I THINKING!?! I am in misery now as I struggle to learn and play 3 songs for the choir. I've practiced Sunday, Tuesday, and tonight. I don't think even one of the songs are getting any better. Tonight at choir practice the choir director told me they were going to the other room and practice singing while I sit in the chapel and practice more. I practiced for 2 hours tonight with no improvement. Tomorrow I get to go for another practice. Let's just say I used to like "All Creatures of our God and King."

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