Saturday, October 3, 2009


Futbol is a serious sport here. We signed Cade up to play and Thursday he got his uniform. It consisted of one grey polo shirt that you wear to the game. One pair of sweats with a zip up jacket. One pullover sweatshirt. His jersey with three different types of shorts and one pair of orange socks. I'm actually surprised it's missing a duffle bag to carry it all in.

Saturday was his first game. When we arrived all of the team went to some pods that were set up. This was the changing and coaching area.

It was a lot of fun to watch this game. At this age they play on a bigger field and they have goalies and attempt to play positions. Cade of course was just running around the field when he wasn't swinging his arms or playing his Kung Fu Panda moves. These kids were very cute. At one point in the game there was one kid on our team that had a breakaway and was running for the goal. A kid on the other team couldn't quite catch up to him and so skillfully stuck his foot out and tripped the kid. It was classic.

Cade's team won 3-2. Cade said he kicked the ball once.

After the game I found a lovely surprise....Yes, that is gum strung from my bum.

1 comment:

bobzooms said...

Cade looks like he has to attend a school that looks like a prison and has to wear a uniform that is fit for a prison. Where are you guys???

Shauna would not be smiling if she sat on gum! And if I laughed it would be less funny. haha