Sunday, November 29, 2009

New Moon

So our family recently took a overnight trip to madrid for a Ward temple trip. We arrived on Friday at about 6 and immediatly went to find an English movie theater. We found one and went to buy our tickets for the only showing of New Moon at 12:20 am. My mom was not so thrilled about the time but we were all stoked about seeing the movie. We called our American Friends(the strodes) and met up with them at about 11:00. First we went out for "chocolate caliente"(which was more like drinking chocolate syrup) and churros. As for the movie it was excellent! and we enjoyed it very much. By the time we left it was about about 2:30 am and the clubs were jus opening so on our way home we jammed to some music and waved to many people.

When we arrived at the temple(where we were staying) we found that the hostel closes at 12 and the we were locked out... so we had riley and Logan jump over the gate and run after the dads. A security guard saw them jump the fence and ran after them. Later the security guard was kind enough to let us in but it was close. Lets just say that we were falling asleep the next day...


Molly said...

You Dixons are really law-breakers over ther aren't ya? Glad you got to see New Moon. How 'bout that Jacob?!!!I think you could say muiy caliente!

Unknown said...

Edward or Jacob? That is the question.

Jennifer said...

Glad you found an English speaking theater without going all the way to England. Did you hoot and holler when Jacob came out like all the girls sitting behind me?? Like Molly said, muy caliente!